Almamater Oxford. alma mater the university school or college that one once attended The phrase is recorded from the mid 17th century in the general sense ‘someone or something providing nourishment’ in Latin literally ‘bounteous mother’ a title given to various Roman goddesses notably Ceres and Cybele The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.
University College C S Lewis S Alma Mater By Melanie M Jeschke Oxford England Pretty Places Colleges And Universities from Pinterest
Alma Mater noun phrase (also alma mater) plural Alma Maters Access to the complete content on Oxford Reference requires a subscription or purchase Public users are able to search the site and view the abstracts and keywords for each book and chapter without a subscription Please subscribe or login to access full text content If you have purchased a print title that contains.
ALMA MATER English Definition and Meaning
Oxford English and Spanish Dictionary Synonyms and Spanish to English Translator ‘My high school doesn’t have an alma mater so I was asked to write one because nobody else in the school shows the ability/interest of writing music and all the music teachers bugged out on it’ ‘The goal was that new freshmen would learn their alma mater at Orientation and be able to sing it.
Alma Mater
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alma mater translation in French EnglishFrench
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University College C S Lewis S Alma Mater By Melanie M Jeschke Oxford England Pretty Places Colleges And Universities
Alma mater Oxford Reference
alma mater Etymology, origin and alma meaning of phrase