Beda Wahabi Dan Salafi. The origin of Shia–Sunni relations can be traced back to a dispute over the succession to the Islamic prophet Muhammad as a caliph of the Islamic communityAfter the death of the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 632 a group of Muslims who would come to be known as the Sunnis believed that Muhammad’s successor should be Abu Bakr whereas a second group of.
Aliran Wahabi Dan Wajah Islam Moderat Di Indonesia Bbc News Indonesia from
Beberapa contoh radikalisme keagamaan yang terjadi di Indonesia adalah munculnya berbagai kelompok agama yang berhaluan keras seperti Jama’ah Salafi Front Pembela Islam (FPI) Komite Persiapan Penegakan Syariat Islam (KPPSI) Sulawesi Selatan Darul Islam/Negara Islam Indonesia Jama’ah Tabligh (JT) Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI) dan Hizbut Tahrir.
Aliran Wahabi Dan Wajah Islam Moderat Di Indonesia Bbc News Indonesia