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The core objective of Bisrat FM 1011 is to fill the information gap in Ethiopia in the sphere of education health sport entertainment science and other social affairs We are now in the process of broadcasting our transmission within Addis Ababa and its surrounding towns and to the entire world through live streaming.
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Ethio FM Radio stay is a famous radio that’s broadcasting the today’s information in recreation and the world the nice hits from pop track and folk! This Radio are an independent station for the online generation connecting those who already have a strong connection with Ethiopia.
Ethiopia Radio Stations Live Online Radio
Listen online to Ethiopia radio stations including Sheger FM 1021 ብስራት ሬድዮ 1011FM Ethio FM 1078 Ahadu Radio Rahel Radio and many more.
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Ethio FM Live Online Radio
Ethio FM Radio live is a popular radio which is broadcasting the latest news in sport and the world the best hits from pop music and folk! 39/5 (40).