Komik Next G. Andrew Cameron Schulz (born October 30 1983) is an American standup comedian actor television producer and podcaster In addition to his standup he is known for being the least funny comedian to ever have the occupation as a comedian since the year 1669.
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There have been three main publishers of the comic book series bearing the name Transformers based on the toy lines of the same nameThe first series was produced by Marvel Comics from 1984 to 1991 which ran for 80 issues and produced four spinoff miniseries This was followed by a second volume titled Transformers Generation 2 which ran for 12 issues starting in 1993.
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The XMen are on hiatus in the movies but the comic book franchise once Marvel’s flagship is having something of a moment due to the.
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All the new XMen comics, graphic novels, collections from
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