Mars Bkb. BKB HI MELATI merupakan kelompok BKB yg terintegrasi dengan layanan Posyandu dan Pos PAUD BKB HI MELATI pernah meraih juara 1 tingkat Nasional pada tahun 2015.
How To Build And Play Mars In Dota 2 Dota 2 from GameSkinny
Bulwark & Rebuke these two steroid skills are what allows Mars to be played pos 1 You get a HUGE power spike after Aghs + Deso and the general idea is that you use this power spike to take part in fights and start taking towers.
Euls on Mars? : TrueDoTA2
In china the most common build on mars is blink euls (idk witch first 1 level 1 Merelian 1y Like most items its very situational Only 2 things it gives you is spear set up and dispel when you use it on yourself Blink is a great item bkb is nice pipe deso crimson sometimes I dont think euls is that much better than any of mentioned above.
Mars Dota 2 Wiki
Mars KB dari ibuibu Desa Sidamulya Kec Kemranjen Kab BanyumasLike this video and subscribe this channel.
Mars BKB (Mars Bina Keluarga Balita) Sumber referensi lagu mars BKB dari https//wwwyoutubecom/watch?v=cMVOhe4xK1s.
How To Build And Play Mars In Dota 2 Dota 2
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Best And Strongest Mars Builds Dota 2 Detailed Guide
How to counter Mars? :: Dota 2 General Discussions
Don’t play Mars off lane! Pos 1 2 Mars. : TrueDoTA2
Mars’ ult? : Can I force staff out of TrueDoTA2
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Mars BKB Oleh Kader KB Desa Sidamulya Kemranjen …
Disarm goes through BlackKingBar !?! Rediculous
General Discussion When should people get bkb and dagger
Keluarga Balita) Lagu + Lirik Mars BKB (Bina YouTube
Can someone explain how Kunkka used bkb here? Is this …
Dota 2 Hero Guide: How to spearhead your team to victory
Mars Build Guide DOTA 2: A First guide to Mars
Sf with greaves and magical build with bkb #8 Soyjoyna Mar 19 2019 @ 610pm Thanks for the respond What’s annoying is his ult One you got trapped sure dead for your team Your attack cant go through the wall that make you cant attck his team behind #9 kms Mar 19 2019 @ 655pm Apparently warlock counters him I was in a 5 man party with mars on the.