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Professor Kenneth Leung is an alumnus of the City University of Hong Kong He accomplished his Higher Diploma in Applied Sciences (Environmental Science & Technology) with distinction at the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong in 1992 a BSc degree in Applied Environmental Sciences with first class honours at the University of Portsmouth in 1993 and a MPhil degree in Environmental.
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PerkolFinkel S Benayahu Y Community structure of stony and soft corals on vertical unplanned artificial reefs in Eilat (Red Sea) Comparison to natural reefs Coral Reefs 23 (2) (2004) pp 195205 View Record in Scopus Google Scholar Pettipas et al 2016 Pettipas S Bernier M Walker TR A Canadian policy framework to mitigate plastic marine pollution .
Professor Richard Thompson OBE FRS University of Plymouth
Octocorals are relatively understudied than other coral reef organisms despite their ecological and economic values The Philippines is known to have high marine biodiversity but information on octocorals is lacking This study investigated spatial and temporal variations in the assemblage of octocorals in selected reef sites in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) the Kalayaan.
(PDF) Environmental Effects of Marine Transportation
Dr Shimrit PerkolFinkel a marine biologist was the chief executive of ECOncrete and died aged 46 Read more here FEBRUARY Born in 1923 Walter Kammerling was just 14 when Nazi Germany invaded Austria His parents sent him to Britain on the Kindertransport after the pogrom against Jewish businesses in 1938 After the Holocaust he learned that his parents.
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Frontiers Spatial and ShortTerm Temporal Patterns of
Prof. Kenneth M. Y. LEUNG Department of Chemistry
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PerkolFinkel and Benayahu (2004) demonstrated that artificial reefs created near natural reefs can develop an entirely different community structure due.