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Pt takagi sari multi utama Pt takagi sari multi utama is an Importer in Indonesia We provide complete trade details of Importers like Product Price Quantity HS code Ports and suppliers Import data is collected through Govt sources port authorities and shipping line companies We provide complete insight about every importer.
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PT TSC (Takagi SARI MULTI UTAMA) Manufaktur plastik PT TSC mampu membentuk barangbarang plastik besar cukup tebal membuka jalan untuk singlepiece molding item besar seperti bumper mobil Teknologi ini memungkinkan untuk merespon kebutuhan untuk produksi berjalan kecil untuk produk yang sangat beragam.
PT Takagi Sari Multi Utama
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About Us PT Dinar Makmur
PT Takagi Sari Multi Utama Manufacturing was established as a Joint Venture between Takagi Sari Multi Utama and Sumimoto 1990 1990 DM relocate its plant from Bogor to Karawang DM started its EPP production 1990 1990 Establishment of DM’s mold factory Establishment of SMU’s filling factory A Letter from Us Dear Clients.
Profil Takagi Sari Multi Utama Pt Qerja
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PT TAKAGI SARI MULTI UTAMA STATUS Foreign Capital Investment CAPITAL US $ 8220000 SHARE HOLDERS Takagi Seiko Corporation Japan (457%) PT Sari Multi Utama Indonesia (457%) SOJITZ PLANET Corporation Japan (86%) ESTABLISHMENT May 2003 Starting commercial production December 2003 ACHIEVEMENTS ISO 90012008 ISO 140012004.