Selim Elektro. Selim Elektro Company name Selim Elektro Address DESA KECIPIR City Jawa Tengah Business number 636889 User Contributed Information Information about PT Selim Elektro provided by user Get updates when we include new data and features to Companies House.
2 Eva Agustiani Profiles Linkedin from LinkedIn
trade data on pt selim elektro dusun krajan ii rt 18 rw 03 desa curug kecamatan klari kabupaten karawang jawa barat indonesia 41371 indonesia.
Selim elektro Importer in Indonesia, Selim elektro Buyer
Selim elektroSelim elektro is an Importer in Indonesia We provide complete trade details of Importers like Product Price Quantity HS code Ports and suppliers Import data is collected through Govt sources port authorities and shipping line companies We provide complete insight about every importer.
PT. Selim Elektro detailed incorporation information
This page provides details on PTSelim Elektro Brebes located at Kecipir Losari Kabupaten Brebes Jawa Tengah 52255 Indonesia Place Name PTSelim Elektro BrebesVicinity KecipirPlace Type point_of_interest establishment.
Pt.selim Elektro Brebes · Kecipir, Losari, Kabupaten Brebes
Selim Elektro based in Solingen is registered in the Creditreform company database with the legal form commercial enterprise Its current status is listed as active The official company name is Selim Kamci Elektrotechnik Selim Elektro One director currently runs the company 1 proprietor The company has one location The bank details of the major bank are also available Contact the company.
2 Eva Agustiani Profiles Linkedin
Selim Kamci Elektrotechnik Selim Elektro, Solingen Credit
Pt Selim Elektro · Jl. Raya CurugKosambi, Curug, Klari
Selim Elektro is an Exporter in Indonesia Bill of Lading
Pt Selim Elektro Average Rating 17 Place Address Jl Raya CurugKosambi Curug Klari Kabupaten Karawang Jawa Barat 41371 Indonesia Vicinity Jalan Raya CurugKosambi Curug Phone Number 089656559229 International Phone +62 89656559229 Average Rating 17Vicinity Jalan Raya CurugKosambi CurugPlace Name Pt Selim Elektro.