The Aplikasi Was Unable To Start Correctly 0Xc00007B. 0xc00007b “the application was unable to start correctly” This error code represents that there is something corrupted within your Windows files or a DLL file from your application files is missing This error is really common if you are downloading something from an unauthorized source.

Fix Application ErrorThe application was unable to start correctly(0xc000007b) in windows 7/8/10the application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b).
Cara Mengatasi the application was unable to start
Repair corrupted Windows OS files and DLLs See Full Review Scan your system for FREE toRestart your computer It is a wellknown fact that a fresh computer reboot can solve manyRun the program as administrator Running the program giving you error 0xc000007b inCheck & fix the disk errors automatically One of the easiest methods to solve 0xc000007bReinstall your application Whether you are getting The application was unable to startInstall Windows Update to fix error 0xc000007b A simple Windows update can refresh yourReinstall the NET Framework NET framework is a software development framework whichRepair DirectX installation Windows versions currently supported by Microsoft includeRepair Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables Repairing Microsoft Visual C++ packagesReinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables If method 9 didn’t solve the problem follow.
The Application Was unable to Start correctly …
2 Install NET FrameworkNET Framework merupakan salah satu dari beberapa komponen penting dalam windows net framework mampu memberikan resource pada aplikasi yang kamu install di windows.
√ Cara Mengatasi Error unable to start correctly (0xc00007b)
Jika dijalankan di versi 32bit kemungkinan besar akan muncul pesan the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) Sebelum menginstall ulang aplikasi hapus dahulu instalan sebelumnya Pastikan pula jalankan Run As Administrator ketika menginstall untuk meminimalisir terjadinya eror 2 Menginstall NET Framework.
The Application Was Unable To Start Correctly 0xc000007b Click Ok To Close The Application Youtube
FIX 0xc000007b Error: The Application Was Unable to …
Was Unable to Start Correctly Fix: The Application
0x0007b The Application was Unable to Start Correctly
[SOLVED] Cara Mengatasi Error 0xc000007b Di Windows 7, 8
Fix Application ErrorThe application was unable to start
8 Solutions: The Application Was Unable to Start Correctly
[Solved] This Application Was Unable to Start Correctly
[BEST FIX] – ‘The application was unable to start
Mudah Mengatasi 0xc00007b Unable to Start √ 8 Cara Correctly
The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)
????Application Was Unable To Start Correctly 0xc00007b The
application was unable Cara mengatasi “The to start
The Application Was unable to Start correctly (0xc000007b) Click Ok to close the Application [FIXED]In this video I am going to show you how to solve the e.