Tunas Jaya Furniture. Tunas Jaya Furniture Get Full Access Description Tunas Jaya Furniture is furniture exporter established on 12th May 1998 During our 20 years experience we have already export our products worldwide Our customers satisfaction in quality and lead time production is our main focus in this business Should you ha Read More Headquarters Website.
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Tunas Jaya Furniture Business Type Manufacturer Trading Company Main Markets North America South America Eastern Europe Southeast Asia Oc Main Products Furniture Home Furniture Wooden Furniture Entrepreneur Employees 101 500 People Region Indonesia Category Furniture & Furnishings Home Furniture Mashup Indonesia Furniture & Furnishings .
CV. Tunas Jaya HIPMI Solo
CV Tunas Jaya Jamur Rtrt02/08 Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah Telepon 0271782930 Kursi Rotan 33 PT Yale Setya Sentosa Lokasi perusahaan Jl Kartosurosolo Km 8 Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah Telp 0271715512 Pabrik Industri Mebel Dari Rotan Usaha Kerajinan Rotan di DIY.
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Label Daftar Perusahaan Furniture Indonesia Wooden Tunas Jaya Furnishing Tunas Jaya Furnishing is producer and exporter of natural rattan synthetic rattan wooden and combination between rattan and wooden furniture This furniture company is located in Solo Sukoharjo Central Java It has wide variety of furniture products Read more ».
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PT. Tunas Jaya Furniture
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Indonesia Office Furniture Manufacturers
Indonesian Furniture
PT. Tunas Jaya Furniture ,Wood Furniture ,Indonesia
Tunas Jaya Sanur is a diversified company established in Bali Indonesia in 1978 Since then PT Tunas Jaya Sanur has grown to become one of the largest construction and fabrication companies in Bali with extensive experience both.